Proceedings Publishing Enquiry

Proceedings Options

To help us provide the best estimate of the cost of publishing your proceedings, please answer the following questions. You are welcome to add any requirement or expand on these in the Comments box at the end of the form.

None of the questions are required, but we will not be able to provide an accurate estimate until we have the answers to all relevant questions.

The name or title of the conference or proceedings
It is helpful if we can learn more about the conference.
Formats of proceedings required

We will make the following assumptions about a printed edition of your proceedings. If these are wrong, please tell us your requirements below.

  • Black-and-white only text
  • Soft cover printed colour on outside of cover only
  • A4 trim size
Please specify your requirements for the printed edition of your proceedings.
How many printed copies do you want?
For example, Microsoft Word .docx. Please note that Word, Open Office or RTF are preferred.
Do you need copy editing?
A professional copy editor will go through each paper and edit for language, consistency etc. Due to the time required, this is an expensive option.
Do you need typesetting?

Papers are typeset and laid out. The alternative is just to produce PDFs from authors’ Word documents.

Is there a lot of mathematics?
Please let us know if there will be heavy mathematics.
Do you need full-text formats other than PDF?