Issue 2, p. 5 (2014)


A simpler system of dimensions and units. Publication #1

  • Francis F. Pittard  
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Besides being one of the world intellectual leaders in the field of the theory and practise of representative sampling, the Theory of Sampling (TOS), Francis F. Pitard is also a prolific writer on several other subjects, a.o. having published two novels: Heirs of a Lost Race and its sequel: Rapa Nui Settlers, as well as a scientitic tour-de-force arguing for a radically alternative view of the world, developed from his decade long collaboration with Charles O. Ingamells, entitled: “The Possibilities of Our Sub-Quantic Identity—The Theory of Vacuoles and a Simpler System of Dimensions and Units”, which has caused a stir in physical, history of science and philosophical circles. From this work, TOS forum has asked Francis to edit the last topic into a series of papers for this audience. You may perhaps wonder what such a topic has to do with sampling, with representative sampling? Please read, and be enlightened—Editor.




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